Political Action

The Association is involved in local city and county elections, as well as those candidates seeking state Assembly and Senate positions. The SCDSA PAC’S goal is to support candidates with a similar philosophy or ideas, and opposing other candidates whose ideas would work against us. The PAC may also support or oppose ballot measures.
The Sacramento County Deputy Sheriffs’ Association’s Board of Directors also serves as the SCDSA Political Action Committee (PAC). The PAC’s decisions are based on an interview process. We carefully follow an incumbent’s voting record and seek input from our Lobbyist and Legislative Director, Shane LaVigne, Capitol Advocacy. We support candidates who support our issues. After identifying candidates who we would like to endorse, the PAC provides endorsement and financial support to their campaigns.
Providing support through contributions or an endorsement often means the difference between winning and losing. Our contributions help candidates get their message out to the voters. Political candidates are fundraising all the time and without financial assistance from supporters, few candidates can afford the cost of a campaign, which can average more than $200,000 for a seat in California’s Legislature.
Once we take a position to support a candidate or an issue, we let him or her know how we feel on issues that are important to us and that we expect to be heard. This process is essential in helping the Association achieve many of our goals. The SCDSA is very involved in the legislative and election process because we need to be!