S.C.D.S.A. Endorses Rich Desmond for Sacramento County District 3 Supervisor

December 6, 2023

For Immediate Release:

December 6, 2023

Sacramento, CA- In his re-run campaign for Sacramento County Supervisor overseeing District 3, Rich Desmond has received the support of the Sacramento County Deputy Sheriffs’ Association.

Desmond is a 5th generation resident of Sacramento County. After completing his Bachelor of Arts degree at Santa Clara University, he entered the California Highway Patrol Academy. He then went on to receive his Juris Doctorate in law from McGeorge University. In addition to gaining a broad understanding of the issues Sacramento County residents face, he has worked on various assignments during his tenure with the California Highway Patrol. Desmond was elected as the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors overseeing District 3 in 2020 and has since made tremendous efforts to help keep our communities safe.

According to Mr. Desmond, “Out of all the endorsements I receive, the SCDSA’s is among the most important to me because of my prior career in law enforcement and my appreciation for the work of the DSA members. Sacramento Sheriff deputies have faced much scrutiny and criticism in the past few years, all while being expected to do more and more for our communities. They dedicate their lives to making Sacramento County a safer and better place, and I am so proud to have their support.”

“We are honored to endorse him again, and we are grateful for his efforts in public safety and for hearing our voices as an association. Our members are on the frontlines of the community, and we appreciate his battle in protecting them.” -Sergeant Nathan Seger, S.C.D.S.A. President


The Sacramento County Deputy Sheriffs’ Association (S.C.D.S.A.) represents more than 1,500 rank and file sergeants, deputies and non-sworn members working in Sacramento County. For media inquiries, contact Savannah Potter, Communications and Media Specialist, S.C.D.S.A., spotter@scdsa.org.